A Hero for Her Curves
A Hero for Her Curves
Love Letters from Behind Enemy Lines
An Alpha Man and Curvy Woman Romance
J.J. Loraine
Copyright © 2019 J.J. Loraine
All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Cane
Chapter Two: Jenny
Chapter Three: Cane
Chapter Four: Jenny
Chapter Five: Cane
Chapter Six: Jenny
Chapter Seven: Cane
Chapter Eight: Jenny
Chapter Nine: Cane
Chapter Ten: Jenny
Chapter Eleven: Cane
Chapter Twelve: Jenny
Chapter Thirteen: Cane
Chapter Fourteen: Jenny
Chapter Fifteen: Cane
Chapter Sixteen: Jenny
Chapter Seventeen: Cane
Other Titles by J.J. Loraine
Dear Jenny,
I’m not sure how to put this... but...
I miss you.
I know it’s been forever since we last talked, and even longer since we last saw each other, but there isn’t a day that goes by when you’re not in my thoughts.
We used to be best friends, right? Remember?
I do.
Sometimes, when things are at their worst here; when I’m exhausted and overwhelmed, I think back to our childhood together, and it makes me feel so much better.
I get lost in the memories that only the two of us share – swimming in the forbidden stream out by Logan’s pass; hiking through the forever forest on the outskirts of town; school dances and first drinks.
Do you ever think of those things? Please tell me you do, because when I’m at my loneliest, I find comfort in the idea that someone back home remembers being with me.
Back home...
Neither of us are really back home anymore, though, I guess. I heard you moved to the big city for school and work... and I’m... well, I should probably explain where I am.
You’re probably thinking, why did Cane send me a letter? Doesn’t he know what century we’re in? There are other ways of contacting me...
I know, I know... I feel like I can still predict what you’re going to say – and I still know how much that’s going to annoy you! I can’t help it. Just writing to you has got me feeling like that small-town boy I used to be.
I guess you can take the man out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the man.
I’m glad for that, because, boy, am I a long way from the country... or, at least, our country.
I know you already know that I joined the army right out of high school. You hated the idea of me leaving you so far behind, but we also both knew that it was for the best. I was too broke to afford to go the college and not nearly smart enough to get a scholarship. Maybe if I had let you tutor me once in a while, all those years ago, I wouldn’t be where I am today...
Not that I’m entirely complaining. I’ve carved out a good life for myself. I did my time and then went to college. As much as I hated high school, being a soldier made me really appreciate the peace and importance of getting an education.
So, when I finished up my undergraduate studies, I decided to go for some more. I went to medical school, Jenny – can you believe it?... but a few years as a soldier weren’t going to pay for that.
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you look at it, the military had a special program for serving doctors... the only catch was, I had to serve.
I was used to serving, though.
So, I signed up.
That was a few years ago, long after we already lost touch.
I’m a doctor now.
Weird, right? Who would have ever guessed?
Anyway, I’m finishing up my enlistment contract this year and I’ve already gotten an offer for a job in the city where I heard you live...
We don’t get cell phones or internet access here. Something about our location being confidential... Letters are our only form of communication.
I thought I’d touch base. Shit’s hectic here – they don’t send doctors out to peaceful paradises, you know – but, for some reason, the only person I could think of writing to was you.
I hope this letter doesn’t freak you out. I know it’s been a long time, but I miss you, Jenny. I really do. I’d love to hear back from you. Maybe you can help sharpen up my memories and I can keep this darkness that’s surrounding me at bay for a little while longer.
No pressure!
All the best,
Your friend, still?
P.S. I hope it's not weird that I sent this to your office. I'm not sure where you live, but I vaguely remembered reading about where you work once. I swear I haven't been creeping on you... not too hard, at least... I hope I got it right!
Dear Cane,
Oh my God! It’s been so long! YOU’RE A DOCTOR!?
Usually all I get in the mail are bills, you should have seen me when I realized one of the envelops was from you!
My coworkers probably think I’m crazy. I only got my office door halfway open before I started jumping up and down like a school girl from the excitement.
That’s crazy! So, you’re serving as a medic or something in the military to help pay for your schooling? That’s awesome. You’re such a boss!
I only wish I could say I was doing as well...
Shit’s hectic for me too, but I guess at least I don’t have to deal with any fighting... although, there have been a recent rash of robberies in my area. Do you think you could call on some of your army buddies to come scope out the neighbourhood once in a while? Just kidding... but really, we could use some brawn around here.
It was so sweet of you to write to me. I can’t believe you still think of that crummy little town we grew up in! Though, I have to admit, I do too. Sometimes I miss the fresh streams and green forests; there’s none of that in the ‘big’ city. It can make a gal feel extra small... not that I wouldn’t mind shedding a few pounds here and there.
Have you accepted that job yet? I’d love to have you here! It’s not easy making friends when you’re working all the time. You were always the one who got us into all the parties, maybe we can pick that up again? I haven’t been to a club in forever!
It’s so nice to hear from you, and there’s something so wonderfully personal about a letter. To actually see your old handwriting makes me like we’re back in school together -- I told you you’d regret not letting me tutor you! You were always so stubborn... but I guess it’s all worked out in the end, or at least, hopefully it has. It doesn’t sound like you’re feeling too safe right now.
I understand in a way, though on a smaller scale. My upstairs neighbour had her apartment broken into last week, and someone on the 2nd floor just had all their shit stolen yesterday!
I’m a little afraid to even leave my stuff alone... not that I have anything worth protecting. You think these guys would steal old yearbooks? They’re going to be awfully disappointed when they break into my place and find that it’s only filled with ‘invaluable’ treasures. My diary sure is going to be a hard sell on the black market!
Please let me know what your plan is for when they finally let you come home. I can’t stop thinking about re-kindling our friendship. Your letter has got me so excited!
Life hasn’t been going great for me for the past few years, but with you around, I at least know it’ll be fun!
I’m so proud of you!
Write to me anytime.
Yes. You’re FRIEND, still!
Dear Jen
It’s so nice to see your perfect handwriting again. If my handwriting was anywhere near as good as yours, they might never have let me become a doctor!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling great about your spot in life, I can’t imagine why... I have to admit, before I was deployed, I did a little snooping around on the internet. I read about how you’re the CEO of your own start-up company. That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you. I knew you were always destined for great things. I can’t wait to hear all about it.
As for the robberies happening, I’ll see what I can do. Hopefully, I’ll be back sooner than later. I can always be your personal body guard again, just like the old days...
Guess what? After I got your response to my first letter, I immediately sent a letter to the hospital in your city that offered me that job and I accepted the position!
I shouldn’t be gone much longer. My unit is kind of in the precarious spot right now where we’re either coming home in a week, or not ever... I know that sounds grim, but that’s just the reality of life in an active warzone.
All the action and adventure can be fun sometimes. Like, yesterday, we parachuted down behind enemy lines. Another battalion was taking the heat off of us from the western front, so we glided in without catching a single bullet.
We were able to make it to our intended target before sun down, and I spent the rest of the night treating the wounded soldiers we’re here to rescue.
I love helping people, but some of the injuries on these poor boys just give me nightmares. I can’t wait until I’m back in a peaceful country where I only have to worry about curing people of their colds.
My unit’s in a friendly containment zone right now – that’s where I’m writing to you from – but we still have to sneak out back to our side.
The journey’s going to be quick but treacherous. The battle raging on the western front burnt out quicker than expected. We’re going to have to sneak past a bevy of armed enemy regiments in order to make it out alive.
I have confidence in our boys, but even if we don’t make it, I want to thank you for writing back to me. Your friendship has always meant so much. I know I wasn’t always the easiest to get along with, but we stuck it out and now look at us: a CEO and a doctor! ... and we’re still so young.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Yesterday, I thought about the day we biked into Ledbury and didn’t make it home until well after midnight. We must have been peddling for 16 hours straight! If a couple of kids can survive that, then I can survive this.
Wish me luck!
Your friend,
Dear Cane,
OK, I have to admit, I’m a little peeved that you would suddenly write to me out of the blue, just to say that you might die soon. It’s so you!
I’m not sure whether I appreciate the honor or dread it. Don’t put all your hopes on my wishes and crossed-fingers, we all know how that’s turned out in the past.
I can only hope your overstating the danger you’re in, but either way, I’m pulling for you. A few weeks ago, I hadn’t heard from you in years, then, all of a sudden, I learn that my childhood best friend is thinking of taking a job in my city... I was so happy... but of course, you being you, it’s all got to be sidetracked with the threat of imminent danger.
You remember why it took us 16 hours to bike to Ledbury and back, right? Because you wanted to take a ‘shortcut’ through the forever forest. Well, they don’t call it the forever forest for no good reason! Sure, that whole day was fun, but really only in retrospect. I still haven’t ever been as sore as I was when we finally got home that night... and then the next day you already wanted to bike over to Silver City! That was twice as far!
You always had such an itch for adventure, I’m glad you’re scratching it now. Hopefully, you’ll be able to take it easy as we get older... we are going to get older, right? You ain’t dying on me yet, buddy.
I sure could use some of your daredevil fuel right now. I’m a little embarrassed that you saw my CEO profile. I know it looks cool from the outside, but it’s chaos right now from the inside. I’m bleeding money and I can’t quite seem reach the next plateau. My little company’s in real danger. I can barely afford rent on the office space, let alone my own apartment.
I know I need to take some big risks, but I’ve always been such a chicken. It’s such a crazy coincidence you contacted me again after all these years. You’re the only one who’s ever really been able to push me to take real chances. I could really use that right now... so, you’d better make it home!
I’m sick of playing it safe, but I just can’t seem to take that first big leap. I’m sure you won’t hesitate to push me. Don’t think I’ve forgotten Jackson’s watering hole!
I’ll get you back for that someday still...
I could also definitely use my old body guard back. Things are starting to get a little scary in my area. Whatever group or gang is doing all these robberies is getting more brazen. They robbed two apartments last week, and then two days ago, they assaulted and mugged a couple walking home at night.
I just wish these few extra pounds I’m packing could be put to good use, but I have a feeling these criminals aren’t the schoolgirls I use to push through during rugby games.
Please be safe. I wish I was there to make sure of it!
Your friend,
Dear Jenny,
Oh lord, now’s not the time to remind of your rugby days.
I used to love watching you play. Those short shorts really complimented your figure... sometimes you made me wish we were more than just friends.
I also just have to say, you looked great in your CEO profile. Very elegant. I could hardly believe it was the same girl I knew from all those years ago... well, that’s not true, I could believe it full well; I always knew you’d go far.
Don’t worry about forcing yourself to take risks when you’re not ready. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all my years of boneheaded mistakes and mad capping, it’s that you should never jump before you’re ready, and if you never feel ready, then maybe you should never jump.
Maybe that’s not the best advice for all things, but for your situation, it definitely is. Wait until the wind’s right and your muscles are relaxed, then take your dive. I know you’ll nail it.
As for me, we’re still trying to nail our exit from this hellhole. We’ve been waiting for our window of escape to open up, but so far, we’ve been kept pinned down. Thank goodness for the brave courier who’s ferrying our letters out of here. The only thing keeping a lot of us sane with all the shelling, is hearing from loved ones back home.... not that you’re a loved one... well, kind of. I mean... I don’t know. Whatever.
Being so close to an untimely end has actually made me wish I didn’t always wait until I felt ready before I made a plunge. There are so many personal failings I feel like I could have handled better if I had only been brave enough to jump in with my eyes closed.
Our relationship, for one...
I wish we hadn’t drifted apart. We’ve missed so many years of our life together being so distant. You know, I realized something recently; the best memories I have in life are all with you. That’s not to say I haven’t had some good times since you left for college and I left for the army, but nothing’s ever felt as significant as the time we’ve spent together.
It makes me regret letting you get away in the first place. Who knows what other memories we could have made if we never ‘forgot’ about each other...?
I’ve never forgotten about you, though. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but sometimes, in private, I’ll imagine you in your rugby uniform, all hot and sweaty...
Ah, forget about it. I’m sorry for getting weird. The stress from all this fighting is getting to me.
I just have to make it back. I’ve done my job and mende
d all the wounded enough for transportation; now all I can do is wait. I rarely hold a gun anymore. All I carry is my first aid kit and my stethoscope. It makes me feel so vulnerable yet so powerful -- I have the power to fix things... well, not everything.
We’ll never get back the time we lost, but maybe we can make up for it?
If you wait for me, I’ll come to you... even if it’s as ghost!
I know you hate supernatural shit, but you better pray harder, because if I don’t make it back in this plane of existence, I’m going to haunt your ass for real!
Please write back. Hopefully I won’t ever get your next letter. Hopefully I’ll already be out of here and on my way home by the time you even write it... but just in case, write me a few words.
Your friend,
Dear Cane,
I know you think it’s some big revelation that you liked the way I looked in my rugby uniform, but don’t think I never caught you looking. I only played dumb because I didn’t want to risk losing you as a friend.
You know why I went to every Halloween party ever as a rugby player? Because I knew you’d be there, and I knew that’s what you’d like to see.
Call me a tease, but I’d rather you call me something else. Don’t think I’ve never thought of you like that in one of your uniforms. God, when you guys played basketball shirtless... those images still run through my head.
Maybe we could have been more than just friends... but which of us ever really wanted to take that plunge? I don’t know of a single couple from high school who are still together. Even those who got married right after graduation have already divorced. We’re still young, but those bitter old exes’ have such hate for each other. At least we gracefully grew apart... and now that means maybe we can grow back together. I hope that’s what it means.
Thank you for your compliment about my CEO profile picture. I’m flattered... though I don’t quite believe it myself.
I wasn’t exactly a looker in high school and I’m definitely no better off now.